Thursday 10 May 2012

We've had three more wet days and today was the worst.  On Tuesday when I opened my front door the sun was shining, but 5 minutes later it had started drizzling and a fog had come down.  I had another day's leave, but I decided to go back to work a day early.  It's so muddy in the country park far - worse than it's been all winter!

Tuesday started well!

But it didn't last!

Today was so wet and windy I took the little Fuji.  The stream in Ecclesbourne Glen was a raging torrent...
 This isn't a stream it's run-off from the meadows above...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we had a gorgeous sunny start on Tuesday after a night of rain and it did last here but now it's been raining since yesterday tea time. Love the sunlight on the flowers, I'm going to have to brave the rain and see what my Iris's are doing, yours look ready to burst:)wonderful misty scenes and little waterfalls, the light and mist in the woods is fabulous, I love the ivy hanging down, it's really beautiful, hope you have better weather for the weekend:)